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  • What is Colon Hydrotherapy?
    Colon hydrotherapy, also known as colonics, is the gentle infusion of water into the colon to cleanse it of accumulated waste material, gas, mucus, undigested foods and other toxins. It helps improve muscle tone, facilitating the natural peristaltic action necessary for efficient removal of waste and absorption of nutrients. Toxic waste build up can be the root of a variety of different health concerns.
  • What is the colon?
    The colon, also called the large intestine, is a large, hollow, muscular tube-like organ approximately 5 - 6 feet long and 2 ½ inches in diameter. It forms the end portion of the digestive tract and moves waste by involuntary wave-like contractions called peristalsis.
  • What does the colon do?
    The colon’s primary functions are to absorb water and electrolytes, to synthesize valuable nutrients (such as vitamins B and K) and to prepare and store fecal waste prior to elimination. Beneficial flora in the colon can also help protect the body from infection and disease. It is believed that 60-70% of the immune tissue of the body resides in the colon and intestines.
  • How does it compare to a laxative/enema?
    A colonic is a gentle way of elimination than an enema. This is due to a controlled, lower water pressure. All waste is removed through a tube, which makes a colonic cleaner as well. It is safer to use than laxatives since no drugs are involved and no potential harmful side effects.
  • What type of equipment is used?
    We use FDA approved equipment with disposable, sealed speculum kits. The systems available include class II closed system and open system.
  • What is a colonic session like?
    Sessions take place in a private room with a certified/trained colon hydrotherapist. The client lies comfortably on a table, fully draped during the session. The client self-inserts a disposable, hygienic speculum/rectal nozzle into the rectum. Water is then gently introduced into the colon via a small tube, and the waste is removed via a large evacuation tube or a channel. Both large tube/channel leads directly to the sewer system. Because of this closed system, there is no odor or mess, and privacy and dignity are not compromised. A series of water fills and releases take place during the treatment. The therapist remains in the room throughout the procedure, working with the client on various breathing and massage techniques to enhance the process.
  • Is it painful?
    A colonic should not be painful. In most cases, the speculum can be inserted and removed with very little discomfort. If the client has a history of painful bowel movements, dehydration, or excessive gas, the therapist will work with the client to minimize the discomfort.
  • Is it dangerous or habit forming?
    No, treatments are not dangerous to your body. The only addictive feature is the well-being it creates.
  • How far up does the speculum go?
    The speculum is self-inserted by the client about 2 - 3 inches comfortably into the anal canal.
  • Will a treatment completely empty the colon?
    No. A mild cleanse will take 2-3 sessions, over the course of one week, depending on the client. Since we are constantly eating and drinking, the colon never becomes completely empty. The goal of colonics is to remove the fecal plaque and other toxins which have accumulated over time, not to try and completely empty the colon of normal, everyday waste.
  • Will my normal flora be disturbed or altered?
    Colon hydrotherapy helps to restore normal bowel flora. This imbalance usually comes from years of improper eating, lack of exercise, and poor elimination. Colonics, in combination with a good diet and supplements, can help bring back this essential flora, which is responsible for the synthesis of valuable nutrients.
  • How long is a session?
    The first session is usually approximately 1 hour. The therapist will take a complete history and explain the process step by step. Subsequent sessions can last from 30 - 45 minutes, depending upon the individual’s need and response.
  • How many sessions are needed?
    This truly depends on the individual. For many people, a mild cleanse may be sufficient, while others may take more sessions to remove years of built-up toxins. The therapist will have the opportunity to assess your progress and offer suggestions for the future that accommodates your needs and objectives.
  • Why is colon health so important?
    The colon, along with the skin, kidneys and lungs, is a major organ of elimination of toxins and waste. If bowel movements are irregular, waste products and toxins can build up. These accumulated poisons are often re-absorbed into the blood stream where they may be carried to other tissues and organs of the body, compromising our health.
  • What are some problems associated for colon toxicity?
    Autointoxication is the process where the body poisons itself in its own toxic juices. Some possible signs of colon toxicity can included: bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea, IBS, leaky gut syndrome, colitis, fatigue, depression, poor memory, a weakened immune system, skin problems, lower back pain, excess weight, halitosis, coated tongue, body odor, headaches, and menstrual problems.
  • How can I tell if I would benefit form a session?
    If we eat three meals a day, we should then ideally have three bowel movements per day. Most people eliminate on average once to twice daily. We must then ask ourselves what is happening to our other daily meals… If our elimination system is under-active and the daily toxins we are exposed to from air, water, and food accumulate faster then can be eliminated, then we are at risk for problems. Colon hydrotherapy aims at removing these toxins as well as the excess fecal material produced daily by our bodies, and therefore helps us protect ourselves.
  • What results can I expect? Weight loss, fatigue, can I drive?"
    Colon hydrotherapy is not a cure or treatment for disease. It is an adjunctive therapy that can assist the body in the detoxification process. Most people can return to their daily activities right after receiving a session. If a client has certain health issues or is very toxic, it may be wise to allow more time to rest after a session. Although weight loss is not a primary goal of colonics, removing excess fecal material may allow the body to function better and thereby increase metabolic processes which may lead to weight loss.
  • Should I fast before or after a session?
    There is no need for fasting before or after a session. We recommend eating lightly on the day of your session and staying away from carbs, fats, and dairy products. Plenty of water should be taken in the days prior to your colonic to help your body rehydrate. It is recommended to stop drinking 2-3 hours before the colonic, to prevent the need to urinate during the session.
  • Should I see or consult my doctor first?
    If you have any medical problems, it is always recommended to speak with your doctor before pursuing any alternative medicines. No one needs a prescription to receive a colonic, but we like to work hand in hand with your doctor to ensure the best care possible
  • Are colon hydrotherapists nurses?
    No. The therapist working with the clients are certified in their field, but they are not nurses. They must attend classes and seminars, as well as take rigorous tests to become certified.
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